I am giving some remedies in this post for the businessmen which will increase their business and save it from evil eyes.
- As soon as you open the shop/office in the morning, clean/get it cleaned and then light a deepak and incense stick in front of Goddess Laksmi's image. The recite the following mantra 5 times and then start the day's work.
Om Shri Shukla Mahashukle Nivaase
Shri Mahalakshmi Namo Namaha
- If you use a weighing scale in your business, clean it daily in the morning before using it. If you have a electronic one, then you can use a light wet cloth to clean it.
- Never let your first customer go back in the morning empty handed even if it means slight loss.
- If your permanent customer is leaving you and going to some other shop/business, take few petals of marigold flower, crush them and make a paste. Apply a tilak of this paste on your forehead and then talk to that customer. He won't go anywhere else.
- Take 11 leaves of peepal on every Tuesday. Take some red sandal, add few drops of ganga jal to it to make a wet paste of it. Use your ring finger to write "Ram" from this paste on each of the peepal leaf and then offer all the leaves in a Hanuman temple. If you are not a hindu, then you can write the name of your God and offer it in your religious place. Your business will never flop if you keep doing it.
Caution: Keep this particular remedy completely confidential and do not disclose anyone that you are doing it and why you are doing it. Otherwise it will not give you any benefit.
- If your business is in trouble, on all Mondays take 11 bel patra (bel leaves). Take some saffron and add few drops of ganga jal (water of river ganges). With this wet paste, write "Om Nama Shivaaye" on each leaf. Offer these leaves in the temple to Lord Shiva while reciting this mantra.
Tridalam Trigunakaaram Trinetram Cha Trayayudham
Trijanma Paap Samhaaram Ek Bilva Shivaarpanam
Do it for 16 Mondays continuously. The trouble will end even before 16 Mondays.
- Do worship in the evening as well. Also light deepak and incense sticks. It removes the negativity.
- Take a raw cotton thread. Make wet paste of saffron and dip this thread in this paste. Tie this thread at any place inside your office. Business will grow.
- Take 7 green chillies and one yellow lemon. Pierce all of them together and pass a black thread through them The whole thing will look like as given in the picture on the side. Hang it on the main door of your house/business establishment on Saturday morning. Make sure it doesn't touches the heads of the people entering or leaving the door. You can change it daily, weekly or monthly. Offer the old one in a temple or throw away far from your establishment or home. It saves the home/business from evil eyes.