Suitable color for vehicles according to birth date

Suitable color for vehicles according to birth date

Majority of the natives what to purchase a vehicle. It is our endeavor to give some important tips to choose the favorable color and number of the vehicle. It will give a long lasting and brings luck to you.

Number 1

If you are born on 1, 10, 19 and 28 of any month, your base number is 1. For the natives of number one, the lucky numbers are 1,2,4,7 but do not choose number 8. Your favorable color of the vehicle is golden yellow, copper or light wheat colors are good. Do not choose black and dark blue. If you purchase the vehicle on Sunday or Monday, it is good.

Number 2

If you are born on 2, 11,20,29 in any month your birth number is two. For the natives of number 2, the favorable numbers are 1,2,4,7 and do not choose number 9. The lucky color of your vehicle is white, cream and green. Do not choose blue, black and red that may give adverse results. Sunday, Monday and Friday are good days for purchase of a vehicle.

Number 3

If you are born on 3, 12, 21,30 in any month your birth number is three. The favorable numbers are 3 and 9 but do not choose number 5 and 8. Your lucky color of the vehicle is yellow, black or light blue and your favorable days for purchasing are Thursday, Friday and Tuesday.

Number 4

If you are born on 4, 13, 22,31 in any month, your base number is 4. Numbers 2,4 and 7 are favorable ones but do not go for number 8. You can choose cream or light shaded colors of the vehicle. Do not choose blue, khaki or wheat colors. Favorable days for purchase of vehicle are Sunday, Monday and Saturday.

Number 5

If you are born on 5, 14,23 in any month, your base number is 5. Your favorable number of the vehicle is 5 but do not choose number 8 or 9 that is not good. The favorable colors of the vehicle are glittering one, white or khaki or wheat color.

Number 6

If you are born on 6,15,24, in any month, your base number is 6. Your favorable numbers of the vehicle is 3 or 6 but do not go for 8 and 4. Your favorable colors of the vehicle is light blue, sky color, light rose color or wheat colors. Do not prefer to go for dark blue or red color. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are good days for purchase of the vehicle.

Number 7

If you are born on 7,16 and 25, your base number is 7. The favorable number of the vehicle is 1,4,7 and do not prefer to go for number 9. Your favorable color of the vehicle is light green, yellow or white and good days for purchase are Sunday and Monday.

Number 8

If you are born on 8, 17, 26 in any month, your base number is 8. Your favorable number of the vehicle is number 8 but do not go for number 4. Your favorable colors of the vehicle are blue, wheat but do not go for light colors and good days for purchase are Saturday, Sunday and Monday.

Number 9

If you are born on 9, 18 and 27, your base number is 9. Your favor number of the vehicle is 9 and do not choose number 5 or 7. The favorable colors of the vehicle are rose, dark red and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are favorable days for purchase of the vehicle.


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