


DRAFT- In case of Proprietor/Partnership Firm

(To be printed on Non-Judicial Stamp  Paper of Rs. 100/-, signed and notarized)




THIS   GENERAL POWER  OF ATTORNEY    is   made  on   this   ____  day    of  __________,   20__   by Shri _______________, Proprietor/Partner of the firm trading as _______________________  having principal place of business at – _____________________ (here-in-after called the “Applicant”).


WHEREAS  the  Applicant is engaged  in   ______________________________________ ; 


WHEREAS the Applicant has authorized -  Mr. Sumeet Sharma,  Advocate (Trade Marks Agent Code-____),  of  DrivingDreams Law Office   (“Here-in-after referred to as the  said “Attorney”) to  enable him to represent the Applicant in various matters of  trade marks  of  the  Applicant  from time to time.


NOW  BY  THIS  GENERAL  POWER OF ATTORNEY,      the    Applicant     do    hereby   authorise, Mr. Sumeet Sharma, Advocate (Agent Code-______),  the said Attorney to represent the Applicant   in the matters of -  filing applications for  registration of trade marks, giving replies to the Examination Reports, apply for the renewal of trade marks, apply and obtain various certificates, file oppositions and  represent the Applicant  in the matters of Oppositions/Contest and other proceedings and matters, before the Registrar of  Trade Marks/Tribunal/Appellate Board  and make representations on behalf of the Applicant, appoint and discharge counsels and do such other acts, things and deeds incidental or related thereto.


THE APPLICANT  request the Registrar of Trade Marks that all notices, requisitions and communications relating to the trade mark matters of the Applicant   may be sent to said Attorney at the following address:


DrivingDreams Law Office

 Advocates & Legal Consultants

 A1-101, Raunak Park - Pokharan Road no.2 Thane (w) 400610 - Maharashtra - India


THE APPLICANT hereby revoke all previous authorizations, if any, in respect of the proceedings.

THIS GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY shall be in force until rescinded and a written notice sent to the Registrar of  Trade Marks.


For (Name of the firm)



Proprietor/ /Partner


To: The Registrar of Trade Marks,

      The Office of the Trade Marks Registry  at 

      New Delhi/Mumbai/Ahmedabad/Chennai/Kolkata.


DRAFT – In case of company registered under the Companies Act

(To be printed on Non-Judicial Stamp  Paper of Rs. 100/-, signed andnotarized)





THIS   GENERAL POWER  OF ATTORNEY    is   made  on   this   ____  day    of  __________,   20__   by,  _______________________  Limited a company  incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 and having principal place of business at – _________________ (here-in-after called the “Company”).


WHEREAS  the  Company  is engaged  in   manufacturing/marketing, promotion,  distribution  and sale of  pharmaceutical products; 


WHEREAS the Company has authorized -  Mr. Sumeet Sharma,  Advocate(Trade Marks Agent Code-_______),  of  DrivingDreams Law Office,   (“Here-in-after referred to as the  said “Attorney”) to  enable him to represent the Company in various matters of  trade marks  of  the  Company from time to time.


NOW  BY  THIS  GENERAL  POWER OF ATTORNEY,      the    Company     do    hereby   authorise, Mr. Sumeet Sharma, Advocate (Agent Code-__________),  the said Attorney to represent the Company  in the matters of -  filing applications for  registration of trade marks, giving replies to the Examination Reports, apply for the renewal of trade marks, apply and obtain various certificates, file oppositions and  represent the Company in the matters of Oppositions/Contest and other proceedings and matters, before the Registrar of  Trade Marks/Tribunal/Appellate Board  and make representations on behalf of the Company, appoint and discharge counsels and do such other acts, things and deeds incidental or related thereto

THE COMPANY  request the Registrar of Trade Marks that all notices, requisitions and communications relating to the trade mark matters of the Company  may be sent to said Attorney at the following address:

DrivingDreams Law Office

 Advocates & Legal Consultants

 A1-101, Raunak Park - Pokharan Road no.2 Thane (w) 400610 - Maharashtra - India

THE COMPANY hereby revoke all previous authorisations, if any, in respect of the proceedings.

THIS GENERAL POWER OF ATTORNEY shall be in force until rescinded and a written notice sent to the Registrar of  Trade Marks.


For  __________  Limited  

 Director/Authorized Signatory













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