Benefits of Amla Juice

Benefits of Amla  :-

Amla juice is not only versatile and delicious but also highly nutritious and associated with a variety of health benefits. It is also known as Indian Gooseberry and is native to Asia. It is an undeniable powehouse of nutrients. Amla has gained a following throughout the world as a "superfruit." 

The tree is known for its small green fruits, which have a unique flavor often described as sour, bitter, and astringent. Trees | PARASURAM NURSER GARDEN

It's no surprise — a 100-gram serving of fresh amla berries contains as much vitamin C as 20 oranges.  

To enlighten you with more of its properties, we have listed all of its benefits below. Reading them is sure to make you realize what a blessing amla juice is. It is truly an elixir for your skin and hair. Health benefits of the Indian gooseberry or amla can be attributed to the high vitamin C content. Amla enhances… | Indian gooseberry, Gooseberry benefits, Nutrition

Eating Amla every day is very beneficial for health – RetyrSmart

Amla fruit is often enjoyed pickled or candied. It’s also sometimes sold as a powdered supplement or consumed as a juice for a quick and convenient way to squeeze some extra nutrients into your diet. It helps in preventing and managing some of the most common and widespread diseases.

THE CHEF and HER KITCHEN: Special Candied Amla | Dry Amla Candy | Post meal Digestives

 Whether eaten raw, juiced, powdered or simply added in an array of picklesjamsdips or spreads - including amla in your diet finales into good health by all means.

Amla Pickle Recipe - Palate's Desire

 Amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C, hence it helps boost your immunitymetabolism and prevents viral and bacterial ailments, including cold and cough."Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, which means that it protects you against the harmful effects of free radicals. It helps in slowing down the ageing process and is needed for collagen production hence keeping your skin, hair healthy and supports the immune system." It is a water-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant and Vitamin C also enhances immune system. One 100g serving of amla berries (about a half cup) provides 300mg of vitamin C—more than twice the daily recommended value foradults.  Its nutritional profile also comes studded with a range of polyphenols that are known to fight against the development of cancer cells.Cancer is caused by oxidative damage i.e. when body cells use oxygen, they leave a harmful by-product which is called radicals behind. Amla helps in preventing and repairing this damage.

Amla's high concentration of Vitamin C helps your body produce norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter believed to improve brain function in people with dementia. 

According to Ayurveda, amla juice is known to balance all the processes in the body and brings to equilibrium all three doshas - vata, kapha, pitta. Amla Juice, Packaging Size: 500 ml, Liquid, Rs 50 /litre Rani Herbals | ID: 20214443255

Amla juice is highly nutritious and has been linked to several impressive health benefits.PATANJALI AMLA JUICE BENEFITS AND REVIEW | Benefit for Weight loss, hair | How To Drink?? - YouTube

In particular, studies suggest that it may improve kidney, liver, and heart health, enhance immune function and hair growth, and promote digestive health.

One of the most effective ways to add amla to your diet is to juice it and have it diluted with water every day on an empty stomach. It clears your system, aids in digestion, helps in maintaining clear skin, healthy hair and good eyesight. Amla juice can be a tad unpalatable, but enjoys multi-fold health benefiting properties that will set your frowned faces right.

The alkaline nature of Amla is known to clear and strengthen the digestive system. The high fiber content of Amla is excellent for the digestive system as it cures constipation. Amla also contains anti-inflammatory properties, therefore dried Amla powder can be used to cure hyperacidity and prevent stomach ulcers.

Amla juice with a pinch of salt and pepper can also aid in curbing your appetite as it keeps you full for longer durations. It also helps the body absorb nutrients and acts as a natural laxative due to its high fiber content.

 Amla powder mixed with a tablespoon of honey or jaggery can act as a great natural blood purifier and can increase your hemoglobin when taken regularly.

A study found that supplementing with amla extract for 12 weeks improved several risk factors for heart disease in 15 adults with overweight or obesity, leading to a reduction in cholesterol levels and inflammation.  Amla extract may help heal and prevent stomach ulcers, which may be due to its antioxidant content. Amla fruit has antidiarrheal properties and may prevent muscle spasms, which could help treat stomach cramps and discomfort. | Amla juice benefits, Skin care, Health

Two teaspoon of amla juice with equal portions of honey consumed everyday can help a great deal in treating cold and cough. Mix a couple of teaspoons in water and gargle with it twice a day to get rid of mouth ulcers. 

Dab it with a cotton swab onto your face to fight marks, pigmentation and blemishes. Amla juice helps in oxidizing melanin and closes skin pores.

Multiple studies suggest that amla juice may improve several aspects of heart health.

In one study, consuming 500 mg of amla extract twice daily for 12 weeks reduced triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in 98 people with abnormal blood lipid levels.  Amino acids and antioxidants aid in the overall functioning of heart.

It is also helpful in managing diabetes better as well as respiratory ailments like asthma.   Chromium in Amla helps the body to be more responsive to insulin and also regulates the blood sugar level, making it excellent for diabetics.

It supports liver function and flushes out toxins from the benefits of amla juice – My WordPress Website

Amla contains carotene which is responsible for improving the vision. Adding Amla to your daily diet can significantly improve overall eye health and help relieve problems such as cataract, intraocular tension and can prevent reddening, itching, and watering eyes. Amla's vitamin C content aids in eye health by fighting bacteria, which can help to protect your eyes from conjunctivitis (pink eye) and other infections. 

Nutrients per Serving

A half-cup serving of amla berries contains:

Amla berries are also an excellent source of:

Because fresh amla berries are high in fiber and low in sugar, they are an ideal ingredient in nutritious snack and meal recipes. 

Here are some ideas for incorporating this tart fruit into your diet:

  • Pickle fresh amla fruit as you would cucumbers.
  • Use amla berries in chutneys and curries.
  • Combine amla with sweeter fruits for a summery fruit salad.
  • Juice amla berries with a juicer. Or mash them and soak in water overnight, drain the pulp and seeds, and then drink the juice.
  • Make amla berry jam or jelly.

Beauty Benefits of Amla:-

Benefits Of Amla Juice For Oily Skin - health benefits

You can apply Amla powder on hair by mixing it with shikakai and curd and leaving it on your scalp for half an hour

Mix  Amla powder with honey and yogurt to make a face pack. Wash it off after it completely dries.

One  of the many uses of amla juice is that you can consume it with honey every morning to get a blemish-free and glowing skin. To keep several years off your face, drinking amla juice daily can indeed come a long way. 

Being a natural cleanser, it helps remove dead skin cells and brightens your skin tone. Further, it also has a tightening effect by making the skin firm and toned. Whether ingested or applied topically, you can make the most of this juice both ways. 

Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties further heal the itching that comes because of the presence of dandruff on the scalp. Amla is often used to stimulate hair growth and protect against hair loss.Since it has cooling factors, it helps the hair rejuvenate as it neutralizes excess body heat. Amla is a proven tonic for hair as it cures dandruff, prevents hair loss, slows down greying of hair, strengthens the hair follicles, and increases blood circulation to the scalp. People often use Amla for shiny and strong hair. Amla juice Hair Oil for Double Hair Growth - Get Long Hair & turn thin hair to Thick Hair - YouTube

How to Use Curd for Hair Problems - Lifestylica



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