Benefits of Patanjali Cow's Ghee

Ayurveda is the ancient hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems & uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing. More than a mere system of treating illness, Ayurveda is a science of life. In Ayurveda, the desi ghee is considered to have many medical values.

You can get all benefits of Ghee, if you are using pure desi cow milk ghee from grass-fed cows.

  • It increases intelligence.
  • Helps in enhancing memory power.
  • Rejuvenates the skin from inside & increases its glow.
  • Boosts body energy
  • Detoxifies body
  • Normalizes vata. (Imbalance of vata causes diseases)
  • Increases clarity of voice.
  • Normalises pitta
  • Nourishes the body
  • Improves digestion and increases body fire.
  • Increases the quality and quantity of semen.
  • It is very effective in disorders of eye.
  • Acts as a good Rasayana
  • It is the best form of fat.

Benefits of Cow's Ghee :-

There might be no one who doesn’t know about the benefits of consuming cow ghee. If you belong to an Indian family there are a lot of benefits of Cow Ghee that you might have heard growing all these years. The cow ghee which is produced from the cow milk consist medicinal values and provides with several health benefits. 

It contains butterfat, water and milk proteins. The process of making cow ghee includes boiling of butter and then removing butterfat from it. Then the milk solids are removed away and the rest, which is left is known as the cow ghee.

The benefits of consuming Cow Ghee

Cow ghee contains nutrients along with anti-oxidants, antifungal and antibacterial properties which helps an individual not with one but with many problems. It promotes digestion, helps in developing bone, protects arteries, provide immunity and many more.  Cow ghee is a rich source of vitamin A, D, E & K that is important in ensuring normal cellular function and growth in humans. 

Cow Ghee helps in improving digestive systems by revitalizing secretion of enzymes, it is also easy to absorb as it consists lower chain fatty acids. Thus, this improves the productivity of the immune system as well. The individuals who are prone to weak digestion must consume cow ghee to be benefited with it.

5 Ghee Beauty Benefits And Ghee For Winter Skincare | magicpin blog

If you have bowel issues then spoonful of cow ghee mixed with milk, can help you to deal with your bowel problems.

  • As cow ghee contains Vitamin K2 which helps in reducing the calcium depositions in the arteries, it helps in protecting arteries from being damaged easily. It also helps in the functioning of the heart and boosts the good cholesterol level.
  • If you consume cow ghee on day to day basis it enhances the strength of bones and also increases the bone density. Cow ghee helps the sensory organs to work appropriately and make your brain and body active.
  • For kids and youngsters, cow ghee is best as it nourishes with healthy bones and good immune system. It also helps in maintain the weight of your child if he is under weight.
  • Consuming cow ghee during pregnancy is suggested by most of the doctors too. It nourishes the health of the lady as well as it prevents the newborn from the problems that can arrive after the birth.
  • Cow ghee also helps in healing external wounds. It can be applied over the infected area and you can see the results yourself after some days.

    • It can also help in increasing or improve one’s eye sight with the consumption of the cow ghee
    • Ghee - Why It Is An Important Part Of Your Diet? - By Dr. Kanwar Samrat Singh | Lybrate

  • Why to choose Ayurvedic Desi Cow Ghee from Patanjali Ayurved?

    There is no doubt that Cow ghee has several benefits that can help you deal with your health and internal issues of the body. But Consuming Ayurvedic Desi Cow Ghee is very important and healthy as well. The ingredients in the Desi cow ghee should not include any kind of preservatives or any chemical which may harm you in any other way. The ayurvedic desi Cow ghee improves the density of the bones, hormones, eyesight and also reduces the malnutrition. It also helps in reducing the pain that may arise after giving birth to a baby. This is the reason why many of the individuals are opting for Desi Cow ghee which not only benefits them but also benefits their family. And if you want to take good care of your family then you must opt for good and healthy habits. 

Let Ghee Work Its Magic On Your Skin With These Face Mask Recipes

One of Ayurveda's most treasured foods, ghee has incredible healing properties. From our dal, khichdi to halwas and chapatti; ghee is one kitchen staple we are never getting enough of.

Ghee rotis Recipe by Anjali Suresh - Cookpad

 "Ghee consists of fat soluble vitamins, which aid weight loss. Ghee also plays a key role in balancing hormones and maintaining healthy cholesterol. Ghee also has a high heat point, which prevents it from producing free radicals that damage cell function."

Ghee & its benefits and uses. Back to Basics on A2 Ghee vs A1 Ghee – Auric

Ghee is clarified butter made from the milk of a buffalo or cow. Pure desi ghee, is ghee made of cow's milk. It contains plenty of omega-3 fatty acids along with Vitamin A. Beyond our kitchens, ghee finds a coveted space in beauty and hair care rituals. Ghee is used to prepare herbal medicines as an effective carrier of nutrients and active elements. It is also believed to attract other fats and removes toxins that are traditionally difficult to eliminate.

For Clogged Nose,there is nothing pleasant about cold and clogged nose. You have difficulty in breathing; your taste sense is hampered, and let's not forget the headache and exhaustion that follows. Ayurveda has an interesting nasal drop remedy that may help soothe clogged nose.

What are the effects of adding desi cow ghee in the nose? | Suresh Desi Ghee

Ayurvedic experts call it the Nyasa treatment for cold and it involves pouring a few drops of warm pure cow ghee into the nostrils, first thing in the morning. Doing so may provide quick relief as the ghee travels all the way down to the throat and soothes the infection. Make sure, the ghee is pure and warmed to lukewarm temperature.

 It contains medium and short-chain fatty acids, "of which, lauric acid is a potent antimicrobial and antifungal substance."

Ghee is one of the most preferred vehicles for oleation: a process of ingesting oil over a period of time. This actually helps pull fat soluble toxins out of the cells and triggers fat metabolism, a process where the body kick-starts to burn its own fat for fuel.  Avoid all bad fats in fries, burgers and processed junk, and choose better alternatives in the form of ghee, avocados etc. 

Ghee happens to be one of the highest quality food sources of butyric acid, which makes it an ideal pick to support the health of the intestinal walls. The cells of the colon use butyric acid as their preferred source of energy.

 It is said that applying ghee on chapattis {flat bread} could bring down the glycemic index of the chapatti by some amount. Applying ghee on chappatis {flat bread} is a hit with celebrities too.

Keeps Constipation At Bay:

Constipation can be cured

Having a tough time with your bowel movements?

Cow ghee helps maintain good gut health as it revitalizes the secretion of digestive enzymes to break down the food easily. As it contains lower chain fatty acids, it gets metabolized fast and is easily absorbed by the body.

 "Taking 1 or 2 teaspoonfuls of ghee in a cup of hot milk at bedtime is an effective but gentle means of relieving constipation."

Benefits of Eating Clarified Butter of Cow Milk | Ayur Health Tips

Aids in bone health:- 

Health Benefits of Desi Ghee "Clarified Butter"" alt="A2 Desi Ghee for Bones: Health Guide for You - HOUS OF LIFE">

 In Ayurveda, cow ghee is the most preferred base for preparing any medicine because it can reach the deepest of tissues in the human body and nourish it. This is why it is also effective in improving bone health by enhancing its strength and density. It relieves joint pains, stiffness by lubricating bones and also helps in alleviating symptoms of arthritis. Therefore, it’s advisable to consume cow ghee regularly to ensure long term mobility, bone strength and overall conditioning.

Boosts immunity:-

 It goes without saying that strong immunity is the cornerstone of a healthy body. And since cow ghee is a rich source of antioxidants, it also serves as an immunity booster for it prevents the generation of free radicals in our bodies that gives way to chronic health conditions like cardiac disorders, inflammatory disease, cataract and several other diseases. At a time like this when the world is passing through a major pandemic, strengthening our immunity is of paramount importance to prevent falling ill. And cow ghee, given its wide nutritional spectrum and antioxidant properties, is a must-have in your regular diet. 

Modern research suggests that black pepper enhances the uptake and utilization of oxygen by brain cells. Likewise, black pepper helps to improve the quality of digestion – therefore, preventing formation of by-products of poor digestion [ama].

Cow ghee benefits for cold & cough |

 Nourishes skin - Benefits for Skin:-

 Cow ghee is a natural moisturizer that can keep your skin soft and moisturized even in the driest of weathers. The fatty acids in it provide the much-needed hydration that leaves the skin glowing. So be sure to include this natural skincare hack to look your best every day. Just take a few drops of ghee on your palm and massage it over your face/hands in a circular motion. Leave it overnight and wash off with lukewarm water. You will be surprised to see how soft, smooth and glowing your skin feels with this natural therapy.

moong dal face packs

Benefits of Clarified Butter (Ghee) | Dr. Harmeen Bhatia

Rich in Nutrients: The saturated fats in Ghee play vital roles in the healthy function of bone, brain, heart, immune and endocrine systems.

High smoke point: Ghee has a higher smoke point than butter and many other oils, 250 degrees Celcius

Shelf-stable: Ghee won’t turn rancid at room temperature and retains its original flavor and freshness for up to a year without refrigeration.

Suitable for Casein and Lactose sensitivities: Ghee is produced when butter is clarified, meaning all but trace amounts of lactose and casein are removed.

Improves digestion: Maintains a healthy coating within stomach lining, which protects the stomach from the acids it secretes to help break down foods. Ghee stimulates stomach acids to aid in digestion, whereas other fats and oils can slow down the body’s digestive process.

Natural source of the anti-carcinogen CLA: Ghee contains Conjugated Linolenic Acid (CLA), which has been shown to prevent cancer and reduce tumors, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, reduce inflammation and actually lower body fat!


  • Ghee has incredible healing properties
  • Ghee consists of fat soluble vitamins, which aid weight loss
  • Ghee is known to be suitable for all skin types

Ghee benefits for skin: Ghee can improve your skin in many ways

Ghee improves memory and strengthens brain and nervous system, and is an important detoxification agent. Ghee helps us to have improved brain functions and have healthy brain development. This is the reason why pregnant mothers in India are given lots of desi ghee during last trimester (because of the high demand for DHA in the womb while brain formation is going on).

Ghee is a rich source of important fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, E, K2, and D. The body absorbs fat-soluble vitamins best when a person eats them with higher-fat foods like ghee. These vitamins have many functions like improving immunity, good vision, and good antioxidant effects.

Purity: Ghee does not contain harmful hydrogenated oils, oxidized cholesterol, artificial additives, preservatives or trans fats and is resistant to free radical damage. The presence of vitamin E provides ghee with powerful antioxidant abilities.

Organic Ghee provides optimum health benefits for you and your family, and is free from harmful chemical pesticides, heavy metals, and contamination. 

 Desi ghee is good for the nerves and brain. It contains high levels of omega-6 fatty acids & omega-3 fatty acids, which is ideal for overall health. Apart from this, the decreased entrance of these acids is associated with increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s.

It’s quite astonishing that nearly 60 percent of the brain is fat. In fact, every single neuron [brain cell] is insulated by a myelin sheath made of fatty material – which stresses the importance of fat required for brain stability.

positively affects the nervous system

Hence, make it a habit to include ghee in your diet regularly as it can aid your brain function better.

Is Ghee Good for your Health?





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