Dates is a flowering plant species in the palm family. Nobody knows the origin of Dates and where it is cultivated but now because of its long cultivation we say that it is cultivated in and around the lands of Iraq. It has been a staple food of Middle east.

The Date Palm is having male and female plants and both can be grown by seeds but fifty percent of the seeds are female and therefore fruit bearing. It is called a Date tree as the name of the fruit is Date. Date palms can take 4 to 8 years after planting before they will bear fruit, and produce viable yields for commercial harvest between 7 to 10 years and they give 70-178 kgs. of fruit or dates every season. In order to get fruit of marketable quality, the bunches of dates must be thinned and bagged or covered before ripening so that the remaining fruits grow larger and are protected from weather and pests. There are many varieties of date palm cultivated. ‘Amir Hajj’, ‘Saidy’, 'Khadrawy' and 'Medjool' are some of the important varieties popular for their rich taste, flavor, and superior quality.

The benefits of dates include relief from constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, anemia,  sexual dysfunction, diarrhea, abdominal cancer, and many other conditions.To achieve the desired results from dates in constipation, you should soak them in water the whole night and mash them and take that syrupy thing the first in the morning. They are having good soluble fibre so it helps in our bowel movement . Dates are good for gaining weight also. One can add Dates in their daily diet in many forms like in a pudding, cakes, sprinklers, by chipping them, by making milkshake and adding it rather than sugar, as a sweet dish after food, as a jam by soaking and then boiling in a desired amount of water and then adding some flavoring agents like cardamom, nutmeg, cloves powder or anything you like and can eat by spreading on a toast. There are many ways to eat this healthy fruit and because it is a dry fruit so storing is also not a problem. You can simply keep them in your Refrigerator in your other dry fruit section. Its not like a fresh fruit that stales and go bad within three four days.

Dates are rich in several vitamins, minerals and fiber too. These delicious fruits contain oil, calcium, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium which are all beneficial for health. Dates are high in iron content and fluorine. Dates are rich source of vitamins and minerals. Consuming dates regularly can help to lower cholesterol and keep many health disorders away. The significant amounts of minerals found in dates make it a super food for strengthening bones and fighting off painful and debilitating diseases like osteoporosis. 

Dates are so good in Iron content that the people suffering from its deficiency and are anemic , after eating it feel very energetic and fresh because it gives them energy and strength.

It is found that dates are having some amount of organic Sulphur in them therefore helping in certain allergies.

Dates are both helpful in increasing as well as decreasing your body weight if eaten in a particular fashion. Normally if you eat dates, because of its good sugar and high calories, they help you gain weight and build good muscles. On the other hand if you eat them with the paste of cucumber, good amount of cucumber with dates, you will balance as well as see weight loss too.Weight loss is possible only when eaten with cucumber. Not like a slice or so, good amount, so that the water of it balances it. They are such good energy boosters because of their sugar content that they can be an instant energy boosters for the people who want energy or feel week. If you are feeling sluggish and lethargic you can just pick up some dates and can see the amazing magic in minutes.

 Dates are quite helpful in keeping your heart healthy. When they are soaked for the night, crushed in the morning and then consumed, they have been shown to have a positive effect on weak hearts. Potassium is another good mineral in dates that helps to reduce the blood pressure and the risk of heart strokes.

One important point about Dates is that they are very good for increasing one's sexual stamina. For trying it you have to hunt for Goat's milk and soak one handful of dates in it the whole night. Next day grind those dates in the milk with some cardamoms and add honey to . drink it up and see the magic. This magic potion if you take everyday you will a super powerful man . Try it.... ;) 

(All pictures are from google)

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