Dear Friends even after being a member of this Community of achievers for so long the DAILY routine gave me no time to contribute to this worthy cause. Many a times I wanted to think of this fabulous opportunity to think and rethink of my DREAMS that drive my LIFE. Every life, and to be very precise, nearly every act of life, is actually driven by a need a dream and all of us just keep going forward towards it's realisation. All What we are and all that we hope to be is actually envisaged in our dreams of our future. Our Happiness, our Love, our relations, our failures and our successes are all outcomes of our dreams. Some of them sombre, depicting our fears, and others filled with optimism and hope, depicting our actual DREAMs of what we really want to be.

It is well that we can DREAM, so let there be dreams and especially the DRIVING DREAMS that will cement our desired future.

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