When two people get married and decide to have children, they rarely talk about the specifics of how they plan to raise these children.The relationship between the parents is more important, that is, how the two parents work together to raise the children, needs to be higher priority than the parenting skills of either parent. I feel that parents should adopt different parent syles than stick to one. It is quite possible that children who are raised in different environments turn out to be same where as children raised in same environment, for example, siblings, they tend to grow out differently. 

Some parents are very Authoritative. they like things to be done as said or dictated and if it is not done the way outlined, they take the route of punishment, which i dont think is correct at all. If you ask why they do so, i dont think they'll be having any good answer to give or explain or satisfy you. Because today the children are not like they were years back. Now time is changed, technology has come, new gadgets are there to explain things more faster than and more easier way than human beings. parents need to be more friendly now. they should have a talktime with their kid, be it bedtime, early morning, breakfast, dinner table or evening, be it any time, but everyday the parent should compulsorily take out sometime for their kid. If your child is a quite one, you should take the initiative to start the talk, he/she will start gaining the confidence to talk and open up to you. Ask them about their school lives, their friend circle, their likings, their vacation plans, their holidays plans, their birthday plans. These are certain topics on which you can open up your child . these are certain hit topics on which every child will start to talk and discuss in sometime. ever child is very excited about his/her birthday . As soon as the birthday is gone, next year birthday's planning are started. so try to open her/him up. In this way you will come close to your child, the child will develop confidence in you, in communicating hi/her worries and difficulties to you, without having a second thought in his/her mind. and you will try this habit, you can continue it till adult and then then life will be more easy . The more you are transparent with each other the more the communication is there, the more there is comfort in the life. Try to know about their interest , for example, dance, music, craft, outing.... or anything, and show your interest in them.

Try to be a good listener. Whenever your child is speaking about something or telling you about something, you should leave everything and listen to what they are saying. Even if you are not able to understand what they said try to repeat it and ask them again. this will give them the confidence to open up to you. Listen them completely, before giving your opinion. do not jump in between . That will make them feel incomplete and unheard. Give them time to speak and express. 

Do not try to force your opinion on them. Try to see and hear from their point of view. try to understand them from their side and then try to explain them knowing that they are kids. Do not shout on them just because you are a parent and can do that. It is totally wrong. While talking to them you should soft down your tone of speaking and soften your reactions too. If you shout on them and think they will listen to, you are wrong. In his manner, they will loose them. Always try to be polite. Do not be angry on point on which you feel are wrong or you disagree. You can politely say that you disagree on a point and this is the way you think or this is the way that thing should be done. that's it. this will make the child more comfortable in talking to you because he/she will know for sure that you will not over power them.

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