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Most of the women around the world love high heels. High heels gives a confidence to the wearer that she is looking perfect , awesome, superb and above all Sexy. Any footwear that is having four inch or above heels gives the person , what ever she is wearing an awesome shape and a sexy walk. These high heels are one of the most common reasons that leads to women's health issue mainly related to spine, calf muscles, backbone, lower back, well can be many more. Not going very far to tell about someone, I myself, love high heels like crazy. Crazy means crazy.I joined my Zumba classes and the very first thing my instructor told me was that I will not be wearing any high heels in the dancing workout session. I know high heels are bad, very bad but i cannot resit them, they are literally irresistible. But what to do? Poor me :(
I am suffering from very bad Calcium and Vitamin D deficiency. My doctor has strictly told me not to wear high heels. He said that one should not walk in total flats also, there should be at least half to one inch heel in your shoe. It will give your foot a slight shape that is needed and that don't even harm us. That idea itself of not wearing heels, I mean high heels was so indigestible for me and it made me sink inside. Every time I use to think of going out and then every time I had to make up my mind and set it right that if I am not wearing high heels, its for my own good and above all, I look good in Sneakers and Flats and all those stuffs (which again was not digestible for me. )
You know, looking good is so so important for a women that she can compromise on all the health issues. I think she can compromise on all the things on Earth. I swear on it, I can bet on it, because I am myself like that. I cannot attend any meeting if I am not wearing my high heel stilettos. It is so difficult to gain confidence without them. If my heels are not there, I am not myself. I just not feel me, what to do?
Most of the time I have heard people saying that leave them, you will break your leg, you will fall down, but touch-wood I have never fallen in my heels ever in my entire life, till today. Today after a gap of a week , i suppose, i wore my high heels.That too because i was having bad bad backache sometime back. I am not use to popping pain killers every now and then so I thought not to wear heels and try some good yoga . Those asanas really helped. Now I am a regular practitioner of it. It had helped me wear back my high heels :) . It really helped.
Something to really laugh about is that when ever I have worn flats I stumble. I am so used to walking with my toes curled that while walking with flat toes, I automatically try to curl them, I think its my body that is not used to it, and because of curling toes and not putting the foot flat on the ground or the floor, I inspite of wearing my flats also start walking tip toes and then becomes a laughing stock of people.
I went to my Gym and was wearing sport shoes but as usual , walking in my toes, I became a laughing stock. Oh gosh!!! it was too much for me. Most of the time I am a sport, a good sport, and take things in good spirit, but then too, sometimes it is embarrassing. I think people whose work relates or requires them to be glamorous and attractive naturally tend to wear high heels as compared to people whose work is not that glamour demanding or who work from home. (Please understand me, I am not accusing nor demeaning anyone , please try to understand what i wanna say, no negative thought, please :) )
I am a Fashion Designer and was a model too. I was all the time into the field of glamour and fashion. So, high heels became an inseparable part of me. I am so obsessed with them. If I wanna go some wear or attend a party, I first buy good pair of high heels and then decide what to wear. I am not too much into hand bags or clutches or belts or too much of accessories. I am all and all into high heels. My life is so incomplete without them. Some of the heels which I have bought are not even worn till today and some are worn for just one day that too on the day for which they were bought.
I had worn high heels so much but now I am having backache and sometimes spasms in my calves and pain in my knees. I am also suffering from knee pain. My left knee pains when I dance or jump or squat down. Its all because of my sexy high heels.
High heels are Killer heels. People who are like me will suffer in their lives. If you frequently wear high heels, you are setting yourself up for long-term issues. Those sexy pointy high heels will make you look stunningly beautiful but will cost you. It is style with suffering to be very truthful.
My doctor gave me this to read and I found it too good so i have shared this information with all of you. There address is written below. This is such an important information and so good and informative. Females like me should read it everyday so that on fine day it gets into there head and they are comfortable to wear flats too with all the confidence and pride.
(all the pictures are sourced from internet)
I tell you one thing from my personal experience, that you try and slip into one of your high heels and you see yourself in the mirror, you see the change in your body posture, on your face and the change in your walk and talk. You just know and feel everything around you change. High heels gives the female a boost in her confidence. Probably most of you who don't wear high heels must be thinking that it is stupid but I don't think that way. I also know that it is hard to walk in them and you have to be very balanced . If you fall or slip you can break an ankle, but the fact is that even if you were to wear a bandage in your heels, it will look far more sexier and you will be noticed more than in your flats.
High heels are such a turn on and "stand-out" thing that if you are wearing them and are at a party alone, you just wont remain alone for any time! people (Men First) will flock to you and ogle all over you..Heels O Heels!!, the taller they are the bigger the confidence. They are irresistible. The way they add inches in your height is the way they add confidence in your personality. Confidence is everything in life, if you lack it or don't have it, then you cannot even stand your own self in front of the mirror. You will not be able to appreciate yourself , knowing very well in your heart as well as in your mind, your are looking stunning, beautiful, awesome, sexy, what and what not, but you need confidence. So, first and foremost thing, welcome loads of confidence in you and when you will wear high heels, this will come automatic, free.
The change the High Heels give to the wearer is like mind bogging, no comparisons. The physical beauty of the female changes all . The legs, especially the calves, looks more exercised, the hips are pushed backwards which gives a much sexier look and then of course the breast, they are pushed out to give you a complete Hot Shot Supermodel look. I feel, the female looks more feminine if she is carrying the high heels well. It adds to her beauty as well as femininity.
High heels are wonderful no doubt in so much that they can do wonders which no one can deny too, but you have to be very careful with your steps while walking in them. You have to take short and steady steps. You have to be very careful while climbing stairs. Put your pressure on the ball of your toes, do not put the whole foot on the stair. You are more likely to fall backwards . Try to walk as if you are walking tip toe while climbing, it will help you. It is just the opposite when you are coming down. Be very careful of your steps, do not run or hurry. Hold the railing and if there isn't any then catch hold of a hot guy or your best friend.Take your time, keep your eye tight on each step you are stepping while going down, balance your body weight and you will be able to pull the whole show very well. Always remember that your stride should be slow and smooth...
... If you are out you can take another separate pair, a flat one so that you can give rest to your feet at times and wear the heels when and only needed. I do that most of the time. I always carry two pairs in my car. If you are at a party or at an event, then too you can do that. You could carry a bag with you, where you can slip a pair of good flats in the bag and can give rest to your feet when ever you get the time to.
When I was very small, means in 5th or 6th std. we had some teachers who use to wear high heels and at the end of the school they use to go in their flats. We always use to think that why these females do that, but the moment I completed my 12th, I realized why they use to carry the flats with them.One of the teacher use to look so awesome that at that time and that age too, all the boys used to drool over her, and why just boys, to be true I remember it right, the girls too use to like that teacher the most, including me. So, I remember that teacher from my school, years back today also just because of her high heels. High heels are impact full . Nothing beyond them.
Toe-rings: Worn by married Indian women, this is known to have a direct impact on a woman’s fertility. The nerves from the toe, next to the big toe, travel directly to the uterus and a ring on this toe stimulates the uterus.
They have been part of Indian tradition and every child has worn them at one time or another including the most endearing one – Little Krishna. Many a lullaby have been sung in praise of their “run-jhun” and many a romantic lyrics have been belted out for the beloved anklets. But they do more than just attract attention to the beautiful feet and mesmerising gait. They can help alleviate conditions like:
Jewellery can brighten any day and lift any mood. It has the power to make a girl’s heart miss a beat just like the first time she fell in love.
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