Miracle Moringa Tree

Miracle Moringa is one of the best miraculous superfood in India. It is so good and its every part is superb. Its leaves, roots, bark, pods, fruit, flower everything is edible. Its medicinal value is so high. It has several thousand times more of the powerful anti-aging nutrient zeatin than any other known plant. It is an incredible supplement and has an amazing health benefits. It is a store house of nutrients and anti-oxidants.

Over the past 40 years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been studying and using the moringa plant as a low-cost health-enhancing food for third world countries where malnutrition and hunger are widespread.  It grows naturally all around the world, it is safe to consume, and is a medically proven health supplement.

Our Ayurveda uses moringa leaves to prevent and treat over 300 diseases. The leaves contain complete proteins, which is rare to find in the plant kingdom and therefore it comes as a very good news for non-meat eaters or vegetarians. They also contain three times more Iron than Spinach. Just because of its innumerable health benefits and the capacity to cure many diseases it is known as Miracle Moringa Tree. I myself, uses it in its powdered form as it is concentrated and I feel I am more comfortable in taking that with water. In my teenage time I use to take Neem powder, which use to be bitter like hell. But my father use to take and we were to take sitting in front of him. So now, taking this powder is like nothing difficult for me. I have dealt much difficult things :D 

My parents are too much into natural things and consuming and using natural products in their natural form . They believe in Ayurveda a lot and we are grown up watching them that way. It must be true and all these things must be beneficial . I say that today, because I don't have any memory of me with high fever on bed, touchwood, I don't want it today , just after writing all this. HaaHaaHaa.

Moringa Leaves

Miracle Moringa is very beneficial for the people who workout. It gives a good boost to them after that and it levels are blood sugar too. It is used for many reasons, skin disorder treatment, diabetes, sleep improvement, relief for anxiety and depression. God help me, I am taking it because I don't want either of them. Ufff!!!! its such a trouble to have a disease inside you. You have to be all the time concerned about what you can and what you cannot do or eat in that particular problem. 

 Its leaves treat fevers, bronchitis, eye and ear infections and inflammation of the mucus membrane. If you make a tea out of these leaves it helps in  curing diarrhea and gastric ulcers. The leaves are also helpful in relieving the headaches if they are rubbed on the temple area.

One thing which I was not knowing was that its flowers helps a lot to lactating moms. The flowers are also useful for treating Urinary Tract Infections because they helps in encouraging the flow of urine. 

The seeds are used as a sexual virility drug for treating erectile dysfunction in men and also in women for prolonging sexual activity. The Drumsticks are widely used in Southern part of India in the preparation of their delicious Sambhar. Its totally Yummm!!!

It is such a wonderful tree that every part of it is used in certain nutritional or medicinal purpose.  Consumption of Moringa leaves, and pods and leaf powder which contain high proportion of vitamin A can help to prevent night blindness and eye problems in children. Ingesting drumstick leaves with oils can improve vitamin A nutrition and can delay the development of cataract. Isn't that wow!. 

Medicinal potential of Moringa is enormous and difficult to cover and write in an article or a blog or a post, whatever. It is so wide that I could give just glimpses of this beautiful plant.


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