
Avocado is a unique fruit. It is known from Mexico and is a wonderful wonderful fruit to eat. It is fatty but it is having good fats. This fruit is prized for its high nutrient value and is added to all sorts of dishes due to its good flavor and rich texture. Its a creamy and buttery fruit and most of the time used in salads . Its quite convenient to use in salads because salads are much healthier form of a food which is eaten by the people all around the world.

These days, the avocado has become an incredibly popular food among health conscious individuals. It is often referred to as a superfood.
This is how it looks like when cut into two halves
Avocados contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. It is often called “alligator pear,” which is very descriptive because it tends to be shaped like a pear and have green, bumpy skin… like an alligator. The yellow-green flesh inside the fruit is eaten, but the skin and seed are discarded.
(All pictures are taken from google)
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